About Us
Woodridge Horse and Pony Club affiliated with PCWA in 2018. Our aim is to create a friendly encouraging Pony Club where everyone will have the opportunity to be the best they can be. We aim to provide a positive learning environment by providing excellent coaches, opportunities for our members to grow and learn at their own pace. We are a small and very active club.
We are small, but mighty!

Our Centre
Woodridge Equestrian Centre is a small and well loved place that provides equestrian facilities and learning opportunities to those North of Perth. The centre is the home of the Woodridge Horse and Pony Club as well as hosting events, competitions and clinics for the greater community.

Pony Club
Pony Club
"We are small but we are mighty" Woodridge H & PC is a friendly and focussed club that puts the welfare of its riders and their steeds first. Check out more about our club on the pony club tab.

Sponsors and Affiliates
Sponsors and Affiliates
Woodridge is proud to have such incredible and generous sponsors that donate time and funds to supporting our brilliant and rural centre.